Koh, Dong-Yeon
고동연 高東延
미술비평 (도록)/ Art Criticism, Catalogues, Others

이창훈의 ‘ob_scene’ 전략: 미학적 ‘간섭’들이 던지는 과제 Chang-hoon Lee's Ob_Scene: The Task of His Aesthetic Interventions Dong-Yeon Koh, "Chang-hoon Lee's Ob_Scene: The Task of His Aesthetic Interventions," Annual Report and Exh. Cat. for Incheon Platform, Incheon, 2016.

장소성과 신지선, 작가와 그의 테마: 개인전, 어떤 시간, 어떤 장소 Placeness and Jisun Shin, The Artist and Her Theme for her show Sometime and Some Place Dong-Yeon Koh, "Placeness and Jisun Shin, The Artist and Her Theme," Meeting along with Sometime, Someplace, One-Person Show at Geumcheon Art Factory, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture (SFAC), 2015.

'The Grand Design' by Jungki Park Dong-Yeon Koh, "The Grand Design' by Jungki Park," in Annual Exh. Catalogue for Nanji Residency, Seoul Museum of Art, 2016.

Hyerim Cha's Interface and Visual Culture in the 21st Century Dong-Yeon Koh, "Hyerim Cha's Interface and Visual Culture in the 21st Century," One-Person Show, Gallery Mark, 2015.

Intae Kim: The Transformation and Mutation of the Ceramic Dong-Yeon Koh, "Intae Kim: The Transformation and Mutation of the Ceramic," Hans Gallery, 2015.

In the Tradition of "je ne sais quoi": Then and Now Dong-Yeon Koh, "In the Tradition of "je ne sais quoi": Then and Now," Seven Signs, Yang-gu: Park Sukeun Art Museum, 2015.

Hyekyung Ham's Men: What Can the Broken-Hearted Audience Do? Dong-Yeon Koh, "Hyekyung Ham's Men: What Can the Broken-Hearted Audience Do?," Exh. Cat. for Hyekyung Ham's One-Person Show, My Thought About You, Window Exhibition at The Sewoon Arcade, Seoul, 2015.

권혜원 인터뷰 질문 아르코미술관, '2015년 미디어프로젝트 : 아카이브 리뷰' Questions for Hyewon Kwon, 2015 Media Project: Archive Review, Arko Art Center. Dong-Yeon Koh, The Preparatory Material for the Interview with Hyewon Kwon, The Video Recording was on View at 2015 Media Project: Archive Review, Arko Art Center. Seoul, 2015.

무엇이 ‘아시아 여성’ 작가들을 ‘아시아 여성 작가’들로 만들고 있는가? What makes 'Asian women' artists 'Asian women artists'? 고동연, “무엇이 ‘아시아 여성’ 작가들을 ‘아시아 여성 작가’들로 만들고 있는가?,” 『동아시아 페미니즘: 판타지아』, 서울시립미술관 전시도록, 2015년 9월 15일-11월 8일. Dong-Yeon Koh, "What makes 'Asian women'artists 'Asian women artists'?," in East Asia Feminism: FANTasia, Seoul Museum of Art, Exh. Cat. Sept. 15-Nov. 8, 2015.
© 2018. Koh, Dong-Yeon