Koh, Dong-Yeon
고동연 高東延
미술비평 (미술잡지)/ Art Criticism, Magazines

구즈(Goods)에 대하여 글을 써야 하나 말아야 하나?: 예술가들을 위한 예술가들에 의한 예술가들의 아트 마켓 Should I Write about Goods?: Art Market for-by-of Artists 『퍼블릭아트』, 2015년 11월. Dong-Yeon Koh, "Should I Write about Goods?: Art Market for-by-of Artists," Public Art, Nov. 2015.

The Postcard from the Professor Anna Chave 『퍼블릭아트』, 2015년 10월. Dong-Yeon Koh, "The Postcard from the Professor Anna Chave," Public Art, Oct. 2015.

Who is Afraid of Globalization: Sylbee Kim 『월간미술』, 2015년 8월. Dong-Yeon Koh, "Who is Afraid of Globalization: Sylbee Kim," Art Monthly, August 2015.

How Does Sandro Chia's Art Historical Time Flow? 『미술세계』, 2015년 7월. Dong-Yeon Koh, "How Does Sandro Chia's Art Historical Time Flow?," Misul Saegye (Art World), July 2015.

You're Non Here 『미술세계』, 2015년 5월. Dong-Yeon Koh, "You're Not Here," Misul Saegye (Art World), May 2015.

Young Korean Artists 2014, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwachon Yongju Kwon, Ungyong Kim, Donghee Kim, Hayoung Kim, Sangho Noh, Min Oh, Hyangro Yun, Song Cho 『월간미술』, 2015년 3월. Dong-Yeon Koh, "Young Korean Artists 2014, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwachon," Art Monthly, March 2015.

The Task of Security Funds for Artists: Artist's Well-Beings vs. Arts Improvement Projects 『퍼블릭아트』, 2015년 2월. Dong-Yeon Koh, "The Task of Security Fund for Artists: Artist's Well-Beings vs. Arts Improvement Projects," Public Art, February 2015.

The Artist's Organized "Tour" and Recent Korean Arts: Put the Old Question into a New Bag Dong-Yeon Koh, "The Artist's Organized 'Tour' and Recent Korean Arts: Put the Old Question into a New Bag," Art Monthly, November, 2014.

Happy North Korean Children by Minjung Cheon (Trunk Gallery) 『월간미술』, 2014년 8월 Dong-Yeon Koh, "Happy North Korean Children by Minjung Cheon," Monthly Art (Seoul), August, 2014.

Too Arcane or Too Straightforward (Doosan Gallery) 『퍼블릭아트』, 2014년 6월 Dong-Yeon Koh, "Too Arcane or Too Straightforward," Public Art (Seoul), June 2014.

Today's Salon and Free Market for Thoughts (Common Center, Seoul) 『퍼블릭아트』, 2014년 6월 Dong-Yeon Koh, "Today's Salon and Free Market for Thoughts," Public Art (Seoul), June 2014.

For Artists and By Artists: Whitney Biennial 『퍼블릭아트』, 2014년 5월 Dong-Yeon Koh, "For Artists and By Artists: Whitney Biennial," Public Art (Seoul), May 2014.
© 2018. Koh, Dong-Yeon